9013 - 1970
1 - | 1A32 16:45 Newcastle - King's Cross. |
2 - | |
3 - | |
s4 - | 1E07 11:00 Edinburgh - King's Cross. |
5 - | |
6 - | 1E11 12:00 Edinburgh - King's Cross. |
7 - | |
8 - | |
9 - | |
10 - | |
s11 - | |
12 - | |
13 - | |
14 - | 1A32 16:45 Newcastle - King's Cross. |
15 - | |
16 - | |
17 - | 1A12 08:10 Newcastle - King's Cross. |
s18 - | |
19 - | |
20 - | 1L34 17:30 King's Cross - Harrogate, "The Yorkshire Pullman". |
21 - | |
22 - | |
23 - | |
24 - | |
s25 - | |
26 - | |
27 - | |
28 - | 1S35 14:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh. |
29 - | |
30 - | |
31 - |
s1 - | |
2 - | |
3 - | |
4 - | |
5 - | |
6 - | |
7 - | |
s8 - | |
9 - | |
10 - | |
11 - | |
12 - | |
13 - | 1E05 10:00 Edinburgh - King's Cross, "The Flying Scotsman". |
14 - | |
s15 - | |
16 - | |
17 - | |
18 - | |
19 - | |
20 - | |
21 - | |
s22 - | |
23 - | |
24 - | |
25 - | |
26 - | To Doncaster Works - Unclassified repair. Rough riding - bogies No.1 9000-25 replaced by 9000-19 & No.2 9000-26 replaced by 9000-20. |
27 - | Released from Doncaster Works. |
28 - | 1S48 09:50 York - Edinburgh. PIC |
s1 - | |
2 - | |
3 - | |
4 - | |
5 - | |
6 - | |
7 - | |
s8 - | |
9 - | |
10 - | |
11 - | |
12 - | |
13 - | |
14 - | |
s15 - | |
16 - | |
17 - | |
18 - | |
19 - | |
20 - | |
21 - | |
s22 - | |
23 - | To Doncaster Works - Unclassified repair. No.5 traction motor to be replaced - this was done and all traction motor brushes were renewed. |
24 - | Doncaster Works. |
25 - | Released from Doncaster Works. To Doncaster Works - Unclassified repair. No shopping proposal - No.2 power unit 421 replaced by 455. |
26 - | Released from Doncaster Works. |
27 - | |
28 - | |
s29 - | |
30 - | |
31 - |
1 - | 1S17 10:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh, "The Flying Scotsman". |
2 - | |
3 - | |
4 - | To Doncaster Works - Rectification. No shopping proposal - No.2 power unit 455 had a governor replaced. Released from Doncaster Works. |
s5 - | |
6 - | 1E05 10:00 Edinburgh - King's Cross, "The Flying Scotsman". |
7 - | 1S16 08:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh. |
8 - | 1S32 12:00 King's Cross - Aberdeen, to Edinburgh. |
9 - | 1S17 10:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh, "The Flying Scotsman". |
10 - | |
11 - | 1E17 10:30 Aberdeen - King's Cross, from Edinburgh. |
s12 - | |
13 - | 1S32 12:00 King's Cross - Aberdeen, to Edinburgh. |
14 - | |
15 - | |
16 - | |
17 - | |
18 - | |
s19 - | |
20 - | |
21 - | |
22 - | |
23 - | |
24 - | 1S35 14:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh. |
25 - | |
s26 - | |
27 - | |
28 - | |
29 - | |
30 - |
1 - | |
2 - | |
s3 - | |
4 - | New
timetable period. 1S16 08:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh. |
5 - | |
6 - | 1A35 17:05 Newcastle - King's Cross. |
7 - | |
8 - | To Doncaster Works - Unclassified repair. No.1 power unit 437 'B6' piston seized and crankcase holed - 437 replaced by 425 and the lubricating oil tank and radiators were cleaned. |
9 - | Doncaster Works. |
s10 - | Released from Doncaster Works. 0B01 16:00 Doncaster - King's Cross. King's Cross Loco. |
11 - | |
12 - | |
13 - | 1S35 14:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh. |
14 - | |
15 - | |
16 - | |
s17 - | Doncaster TMD. Tyre turning. |
18 - | |
19 - | |
20 - | |
21 - | |
22 - | |
23 - | |
s24 - | |
25 - | Haymarket TMD. 1E11 12:00 Edinburgh - King's Cross. Fire bells continually ringing due to Niphan plug loose in circuit - 5 minute delay. |
26 - | 1A15 09:10 Newcastle - King's Cross, "The Tees-Tyne Pullman". 1L33 17:05 King's Cross - Bradford. |
27 - | To Doncaster Works - Intermediate repair. No shopping proposal - power units No.1 425 replaced by 441 & No.2 455 replaced by 436, bogies No.1 9000-19 and No.2 9000-20 were given General repairs and boiler 1492/J2948 replaced by 5089/J3240. The body was given an Intermediate repair. |
28 - | Doncaster Works. |
29 - | Doncaster Works. |
30 - | Doncaster Works. |
s31 - | Doncaster Works. |
1 - | Doncaster Works. |
2 - | Doncaster Works. |
3 - | Doncaster Works. |
4 - | Doncaster Works. |
5 - | Doncaster Works. |
6 - | Doncaster Works. |
s7 - | Doncaster Works. |
8 - | Doncaster Works. |
9 - | Doncaster Works. |
10 - | Doncaster Works. |
11 - | Doncaster Works. |
12 - | Doncaster Works. |
13 - | Doncaster Works. |
s14 - | Doncaster Works. |
15 - | Doncaster Works. |
16 - | Doncaster Works. |
17 - | Doncaster Works. |
18 - | Released from Doncaster Works. |
19 - | |
20 - | Official Records: 1970 Period 6 (24/05 -
20/06); Casualties for the period totalled 30, compared with 22 for
period 5. Locomotives 9001, 9005, 9007, 9009, 9015, 9018 and 9021 were not involved in any mechanical casualty. 9017 was also stated, however, two mechanical failures were reported for investigation dated 01/06 & 02/06. Flashovers for the period were 9006 02/06 and 9011 20/06. |
s21 - | |
22 - | 1E11 12:00 Edinburgh - King's Cross. |
23 - | |
24 - | |
25 - | |
26 - | |
27 - | |
s28 - | |
29 - | 1N27 18:00 King's Cross - Newcastle. |
30 - |
1 - | |
2 - | |
3 - | |
4 - | |
s5 - | |
6 - | |
7 - | To Doncaster Works - Unclassified repair. No.2 power unit 436 primary cardan shaft defective - 436 replaced by 417. |
8 - | Doncaster Works. |
9 - | Released from Doncaster Works. 1S35 14:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh. |
10 - | 1S16 08:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh. |
11 - | 1L13 11:30 King's Cross - Harrogate. 1A34 17:40 Bradford - King's Cross. |
s12 - | |
13 - | |
14 - | |
15 - | |
16 - | |
17 - | |
18 - | |
s19 - | |
20 - | |
21 - | |
22 - | |
23 - | |
24 - | 1N06 07:45 King's Cross - Newcastle. |
25 - | |
s26 - | |
27 - | |
28 - | |
29 - | |
30 - | 1N42 23:55 King's Cross - Newcastle. |
31 - | 1S20 10:10 King's Cross - Edinburgh. |
1 - | |
s2 - | Haymarket TMD (TRN 1S35). |
3 - | |
4 - | |
5 - | |
6 - | |
7 - | 1S17 10:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh, "The Flying Scotsman". |
8 - | 1S32 12:00 King's Cross - Aberdeen. |
s9 - | 1S27 11:45 King's Cross - Edinburgh. |
10 - | |
11 - | |
12 - | |
13 - | |
14 - | |
15 - | 1A34 17:40 Bradford - King's Cross. *Also credited with 1E05. |
s16 - | |
17 - | |
18 - | |
19 - | |
20 - | |
21 - | |
22 - | |
s23 - | |
24 - | |
25 - | |
26 - | 1A35 17:05 Newcastle - King's Cross. |
27 - | |
28 - | |
29 - | |
s30 - | |
31 - |
1 - | 1A35 17:05 Newcastle - King's Cross. No.2 engine shut down - 5 minute delay Peterborough. |
2 - | |
3 - | |
4 - | |
5 - | |
s6 - | 1A16 10:20 Bradford - King's Cross, from Leeds (via Featherstone & Knottingley). |
7 - | 1S27 11:52 King's Cross - Edinburgh, to Doncaster. No.2 main generator windings burnt out - 5 minute delay Doncaster. To Doncaster Works - Unclassified repair. No.2 main generator windings burnt - the main generator was replaced as was No.5 traction motor. |
8 - | Doncaster Works. |
9 - | Doncaster Works. |
10 - | Doncaster Works. |
11 - | Doncaster Works. |
12 - | Doncaster Works. |
s13 - | Doncaster Works. |
14 - | Doncaster Works. |
15 - | Released from Doncaster Works. |
16 - | |
17 - | |
18 - | 1E10 08:00 Edinburgh - King's Cross. P.Ref |
19 - | |
s20 - | |
21 - | |
22 - | |
23 - | |
24 - | |
25 - | |
26 - | |
s27 - | |
28 - | 1S66 20:20 King's Cross - Edinburgh. |
29 - | |
30 - |
1 - | |
2 - | |
3 - | |
s4 - | |
5 - | |
6 - | |
7 - | |
8 - | |
9 - | To Doncaster Works - Unclassified repair. No.2 power unit 417 leak from cambox drive oil feed on 'C' bank: oil to be cleaned from locomotive interior - all repairs were carried out. |
10 - | Released from Doncaster Works. |
s11 - | |
12 - | 1S66 20:20 King's Cross - Edinburgh. |
13 - | |
14 - | |
15 - | 1L39 22:45 King's Cross - Leeds, (to Peterborough). No.2 engine 417 (1195hrs) No.6 con rod through crankcase - 34 minute delay Peterborough (16/10) and possible removal from service. |
16 - | |
17 - | To Doncaster Works - Unclassified repair. No.2 power unit 417 'B' bank piston through crankcase - 417 replaced by 413 and the lubricating oil tank and radiators were cleaned. |
s18 - | Released from Doncaster Works. |
19 - | |
20 - | |
21 - | |
22 - | |
23 - | |
24 - | |
s25 - | |
26 - | |
27 - | Haymarket TMD. 1E01 08:00 Edinburgh - King's Cross, to Newcastle. Boiler defect; only 35 psi output - 5 minute delay Newcastle. Gateshead TMD. Repairs - on test with main steam valve full & buffer beam cock half open, full psi easily maintained - OK and to traffic. |
28 - | |
29 - | 1S66 20:20 King's Cross - Edinburgh. |
30 - | |
31 - |
s1 - | 1E42 19:15 Aberdeen - King's Cross, (from Edinburgh). Loco short of fuel - 7 minute delay Edinburgh whilst removed from service. Haymarket TMD. |
2 - | To Doncaster Works - Unclassified repair. No.2 power unit 413 suspected fractured liner and batteries unable to hold charge - 413 replaced by 451. |
3 - | Doncaster Works. |
4 - | Released from Doncaster Works. |
5 - | |
6 - | 1L09 10:20 King's Cross - Leeds. 1A28 15:00 Bradford - King's Cross. |
7 - | 1E01 08:00 Edinburgh - King's Cross. 1L29 16:20 King's Cross - York. |
s8 - | |
9 - | |
10 - | |
11 - | |
12 - | |
13 - | 1A35 17:05 Newcastle - King's Cross. 1S79 23:35 King's Cross - Edinburgh, to York. No.1 engine cut out; short of coolant - 23 minute delay York (14/11). |
14 - | York TMD. Locomotive restricted to one power unit only. 1S51 07:20 York - Aberdeen, to Newcastle. No.1 engine short of coolant; No.7 hose leaking - delayed Darlington. 1S32 12:00 King's Cross - Aberdeen, from Newcastle to Edinburgh. One engine short of Coolant - 75 minute delay Belford. Haymarket TMD. Locomotive remains restricted to one power unit only. 1E42 19:15 Aberdeen - King's Cross, from Edinburgh. Down on power en-route at Midcalder (15/11). |
s15 - | |
16 - | |
17 - | 3S16 20:35 Bradford FS - Edinburgh, (from?) to Newcastle (18/11). Accumulation of oil in No.1 engine exhaust drum caused by engine idling for an extended period; ignited and resulted in the lagging taking fire. Fire brigade attended and both engines effected by water - 76 minute delay Newcastle. Note: it is possible 9013 had only come on the service at Newcastle as Casualty log has service as 01:34 Newcastle - Edinburgh only. |
18 - | |
19 - | To Doncaster Works - Unclassified repair. Both exhaust drums fire damaged and water pumped in by Fire Brigade (No.1 drum fractured) - both drums were removed and repaired. |
20 - | Doncaster Works. |
21 - | Doncaster Works. |
s22 - | Released from Doncaster Works. |
23 - | 1S70 22:15 King's Cross - Aberdeen, to Doncaster. No.1 engine shut down and No.2 down on power - 19 minute delay between King's Cross and Barnet. |
24 - | To Doncaster Works - Unclassified repair. Load bank test - this was carried out. Released from Doncaster Works. |
25 - | To Doncaster Works - Unclassified repair. No.1 power unit 441 loss of power - power units No.1 441 replaced by 425 & No.2 451 removed in favour of 9004 and replaced by 420. |
26 - | Doncaster Works. |
27 - | Doncaster Works. |
28 - | Doncaster Works. |
s29 - | Doncaster Works. |
30 - | Doncaster Works. |
1 - | Doncaster Works. |
2 - | Doncaster Works. |
3 - | Doncaster Works. |
4 - | Doncaster Works. |
5 - | Doncaster Works. |
s6 - | Doncaster Works. |
7 - | Doncaster Works. |
8 - | Doncaster Works. |
9 - | Doncaster Works. |
10 - | Released from Doncaster Works. |
11 - | 1S70 22:15 King's Cross - Aberdeen, to Edinburgh. |
12 - | Haymarket TMD. |
s13 - | |
14 - | |
15 - | 1S17 10:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh, "The Flying Scotsman". |
16 - | |
17 - | |
18 - | |
19 - | 1E05 10:00 Edinburgh - King's Cross, "The Flying Scotsman". 1S60 19:55 King's Cross - Aberdeen, "The Aberdonian" to Edinburgh. |
s20 - | |
21 - | |
22 - | |
23 - | |
24 - | 1E05 10:00 Edinburgh - King's Cross, "The Flying Scotsman". 1L37 19:00 King's Cross - Bradford. |
25 - | |
26 - | |
s27 - | |
28 - | |
29 - | 1S17 10:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh, "The Flying Scotsman". |
30 - | |
31 - |
(1969).....9013 (1971)