1450 - Photo: Gordon Lacy.

With the Sunday 1N16 13:20 King's Cross - Bradford service in tow D9000 "ROYAL SCOTS GREY" departs Newark Northgate and approaches Hatchet's Lane Crossing on the 10th September 1967. The locomotive is seen carrying green livery with full yellow ends (see below) and is nearing the end of its green era as BR corporate blue was applied at its next classified repair at Doncaster commencing just fifteen days later on the 25th September 1967...

1450/A - Photo: Gordon Lacy.

...No official records exist of D9000 receiving full yellow ends whilst carrying green livery, however, it is now thought this was applied during a General repair at Doncaster Works - arriving there 8/12/66 and released 15/1/67.