55008 - 1976
1 - | |
2 - | |
3 - | |
s4 - | |
5 - | |
6 - | |
7 - | 0B02 King's Cross - Finsbury Park (arrive 10:00). Finsbury Park TMD. |
8 - | |
9 - | |
10 - | |
s11 - | |
12 - | To Doncaster Works - Unclassified repair. No.2 power unit 415 suspected fractured liner, No.2 boiler water tank leaking and No.1 load regulator oil leak - 415 replaced by 425, coolant checks were carried out and No.2 end radiators were changed. |
13 - | Doncaster Works. |
14 - | Released from Doncaster Works. |
15 - | |
16 - | |
17 - | 1S17 10:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh, "The Flying Scotsman". |
s18 - | |
19 - | |
20 - | |
21 - | |
22 - | |
23 - | 1A07 07:25 Newcastle - King's Cross, "The Newcastle
Executive". 1S42 16:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh, "The Talisman". |
24 - | 1L13 11:25 King's Cross - Harrogate. 1A35 17:55 Bradford - King's Cross. |
s25 - | 1N10 11:00 King's Cross - Newcastle. |
26 - | |
27 - | 1S16 08:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh. |
28 - | |
29 - | |
30 - | |
31 - |
s1 - | 1Exx Edinburgh - King's Cross (via Ferryhill). |
2 - | |
3 - | |
4 - | |
5 - | |
6 - | |
7 - | |
s8 - | |
9 - | |
10 - | 1E17 10:30 Aberdeen - King's Cross, "The Aberdonian" from Edinburgh. |
11 - | 1E07 10:30 Edinburgh - King's Cross. |
12 - | |
13 - | |
14 - | |
s15 - | |
16 - | |
17 - | |
18 - | |
19 - | |
20 - | |
21 - | Gateshead TMD. 1E13 12:45 Edinburgh - King's Cross, from Newcastle (ex 47415). |
s22 - | 1A15 08:40 Newcastle - King's Cross (via Cambridge). |
23 - | |
24 - | |
25 - | |
26 - | |
27 - | 1N27 18:00 King's Cross - Newcastle, "The Newcastle Executive". |
28 - | 1E17 10:40 Aberdeen - King's Cross, "The Aberdonian" from Edinburgh. |
s29 - |
1 - | |
2 - | |
3 - | |
4 - | |
5 - | |
6 - | |
s7 - | |
8 - | 1A15 09:20 Newcastle - King's Cross, "The Tees Tyne Pullman". |
9 - | |
10 - | |
11 - | |
12 - | |
13 - | |
s14 - | |
15 - | |
16 - | |
17 - | 1S12 07:45 King's Cross - Edinburgh. |
18 - | |
19 - | |
20 - | |
s21 - | |
22 - | |
23 - | |
24 - | 1S16 08:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh. Haymarket TMD. 1S42 16:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh, "The Talisman". |
25 - | |
26 - | 1S42 16:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh, "The Talisman". |
27 - | |
s28 - | |
29 - | |
30 - | |
31 - |
1 - | |
2 - | |
3 - | (1A22 10:47 Newcastle - King's Cross
(noted NCLE 10:30)). York TMD. (17:40). |
s4 - | |
5 - | |
6 - | |
7 - | 1S16 08:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh. |
8 - | |
9 - | 1S67 17:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh. |
10 - | 1S17 10:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh, "The Flying Scotsman". |
s11 - | |
12 - | |
13 - | |
14 - | |
15 - | |
16 - | 1Axx 09:25 Newcastle - King's Cross (relief). 1N27 18:00 King's Cross - Newcastle, "The Newcastle Executive". Gateshead TMD. |
17 - | Gateshead TMD. 1A11 08:30 Newcastle - King's Cross. |
s18 - | |
19 - | |
20 - | |
21 - | 1N25 16:30 King's Cross - Newcastle, "The Tees-Tyne Pullman". |
22 - | 1S35 14:00 King's Cross - Aberdeen, to Edinburgh. |
23 - | 1E25 16:00 Edinburgh - King's Cross, "The Talisman". |
24 - | |
s25 - | |
26 - | |
27 - | |
28 - | 1N25 16:30 King's Cross - Newcastle, "The Tees-Tyne Pullman". |
29 - | 1xxx - King's Cross.
PIC 1N25 16:30 King's Cross - Newcastle, "The Tees Tyne Pullman". |
30 - | 1S42 16:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh, "The Talisman". |
1 - | |
s2 - | |
3 - | New timetable period. |
4 - | |
5 - | |
6 - | |
7 - | 1A15 09:20 Newcastle - King's Cross. |
8 - | 1S35 14:00 King's Cross - Aberdeen, to Edinburgh. |
s9 - | Haymarket TMD. 1E17 10:30 Aberdeen - King's Cross, from Edinburgh. |
10 - | |
11 - | |
12 - | 1S67 17:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh. |
13 - | |
14 - | |
15 - | To Doncaster Works - Unclassified repair. No shopping proposal - No.2 boiler water tank was repaired and an oil leak was rectified. |
s16 - | Doncaster Works. |
17 - | Released from Doncaster Works. |
18 - | King's Cross Loco. PIC |
19 - | |
20 - | To Doncaster Works - Unclassified repair. No.2 power unit 425 showing rising copper content - 425 replaced by 449. |
21 - | Doncaster Works. |
22 - | Doncaster Works. |
s23 - | Doncaster Works. |
24 - | Released from Doncaster Works. |
25 - | |
26 - | |
27 - | |
28 - | |
29 - | |
s30 - | |
31 - |
1 - | 1S67 17:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh. |
2 - | |
3 - | |
4 - | 1E01 07:55 Edinburgh - King's Cross. |
5 - | |
s6 - | |
7 - | 1S16 08:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh. Haymarket TMD. 1E25 16:00 Edinburgh - King's Cross, "The The Talisman". |
8 - | |
9 - | |
10 - | 1E35 20:20 Edinburgh - King's Cross. |
11 - | 1N29 19:00 King's Cross - Newcastle. Gateshead TMD. |
12 - | Gateshead TMD. 1A15 09:20 Newcastle - King's Cross. 1N27 18:00 King's Cross - Newcastle. |
s13 - | |
14 - | |
15 - | |
16 - | |
17 - | |
18 - | |
19 - | 1N27 18:00 King's Cross - Newcastle. |
s20 - | |
21 - | |
22 - | |
23 - | |
24 - | |
25 - | 1S67 17:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh. |
26 - | |
s27 - | |
28 - | To Doncaster Works - Unclassified repair. No.1 power unit 446 high copper content - 446 replaced by 419. |
29 - | Doncaster Works. |
30 - | Doncaster Works. |
1 - | Released from Doncaster Works. |
2 - | 1E07 10:30 Edinburgh - King's Cross. 1N27 18:00 King's Cross - Newcastle, "The Newcastle Executive". |
3 - | Doncaster TMD. P.Ref |
s4 - | |
5 - | 1S35 14:00 King's Cross - Aberdeen, to Edinburgh. |
6 - | |
7 - | |
8 - | |
9 - | |
10 - | 1A11 08:30 Newcastle - King's Cross. 1S67 17:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh. P.Ref |
s11 - | |
12 - | To Doncaster Works - Unclassified repair. No.2 power unit 449 main bearing collapsed, both water tanks leaking, No.1 end load regulator contact tips to renew, side windows set screws to fit in frame, No.1 main generator flashover damage and arc horn to replace, all traction motors to be examined and necessary repairs carried out - No.1 main generator and power unit 449 were repaired and No.2 main generator was replaced. |
13 - | Doncaster Works. |
14 - | Doncaster Works. |
15 - | Doncaster Works. |
16 - | Doncaster Works. |
17 - | Released from Doncaster Works. |
s18 - | 1N14 15:00 King's Cross - Newcastle. |
19 - | |
20 - | Finsbury Park TMD. |
21 - | 1E17 10:30 Aberdeen - King's Cross, "The Aberdonian" from Edinburgh. |
22 - | 1N27 18:00 King's Cross - Newcastle, "The Newcastle Executive". |
23 - | |
24 - | 1S17 10:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh, "The Flying Scotsman". |
s25 - | 1N10 11:00 King's Cross - Newcastle. |
26 - | |
27 - | |
28 - | |
29 - | To Doncaster Works - Unclassified repair. No.1 power unit 419 No.1 main generator armature banding burst - 419 replaced by 440. |
30 - | Released from Doncaster Works. |
31 - | King's Cross Loco (AM). |
s1 - | 1A22 11:30 Newcastle - King's Cross. |
2 - | 1A15 09:20 Newcastle - King's Cross. 1S42 16:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh, "The Talisman". |
3 - | |
4 - | 1N18 15:00 King's Cross - Newcastle. |
5 - | |
6 - | 1A11 08:30 Newcastle - King's Cross. 1L22 15:55 King's Cross - Leeds, "The Leeds Executive". Holbeck TMD. |
7 - | Holbeck TMD. 1A03 07:30 Leeds - King's Cross. 1S32 12:10 King's Cross Aberdeen, "The Aberdonian". |
s8 - | |
9 - | |
10 - | 1E11 08:50 Aberdeen - King's Cross, from Edinburgh. |
11 - | 1S42 16:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh, "The Talisman". |
12 - | 1S67 17:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh. |
13 - | |
14 - | 1Sxx King's Cross Edinburgh. P.Ref |
s15 - | 1N27 17:00 King's Cross - Newcastle. |
16 - | 1N27 18:00 King's Cross - Newcastle, "The Newcastle Executive". |
17 - | |
18 - | 1A40 20:30 Newcastle - King's Cross. |
19 - | 1A32. |
20 - | |
21 - | |
s22 - | 1S35 14:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh. |
23 - | |
24 - | 1N18 15:00 King's Cross - Newcastle. |
25 - | 1N27 18:00 King's Cross - Newcastle, "The Newcastle Executive". |
26 - | 1S42 16:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh, "The Talisman". |
27 - | 1E26 17:00 Edinburgh - King's Cross. |
28 - | |
s29 - | |
30 - | |
31 - |
1 - | |
2 - | |
3 - | |
4 - | 1A11 08:30 Newcastle - King's Cross. 1S42 16:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh, "The Talisman". |
s5 - | |
6 - | |
7 - | 4L21 11:25 Newcastle - York. |
8 - | |
9 - | |
10 - | |
11 - | 1S32 12:10 King's Cross - Aberdeen, "The Aberdonian" to Edinburgh. |
s12 - | 1S32 12:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh, to Doncaster (55020 forward). |
13 - | |
14 - | 1S35 14:00 King's Cross - Aberdeen, to Edinburgh. |
15 - | |
16 - | |
17 - | |
18 - | 1S16 08:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh. Haymarket TMD. 1E26 17:00 Edinburgh - King's Cross. |
s19 - | |
20 - | 1S42 16:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh, "The Talisman". |
21 - | 1N08 09:00 King's Cross - Newcastle. |
22 - | |
23 - | To Doncaster Works - Light repair (due
22/09). No shopping proposal - power units No.1 440 replaced by 422 & No.2 449 given an Unclassified repair, bogies No.1 9000-37 replaced by 9000-17 & No.2 9000-38 replaced by 9000-18 and boiler 1497/J2953 was given an Unclassified repair. |
24 - | Doncaster Works. |
25 - | Doncaster Works. |
s26 - | Doncaster Works. |
27 - | Doncaster Works. |
28 - | Doncaster Works. |
29 - | Doncaster Works. |
30 - | Doncaster Works. |
1 - | Doncaster Works. |
2 - | Doncaster Works. |
s3 - | Doncaster Works. |
4 - | Doncaster Works. |
5 - | Doncaster Works. |
6 - | Doncaster Works. |
7 - | Doncaster Works. |
8 - | Doncaster Works. |
9 - | Doncaster Works. |
s10 - | Doncaster Works. |
11 - | Released from Doncaster Works. |
12 - | |
13 - | |
14 - | |
15 - | |
16 - | |
s17 - | 1S32 12:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh. |
18 - | |
19 - | |
20 - | 1N14 11:45 King's Cross - Newcastle. |
21 - | |
22 - | |
23 - | 1E01 07:55 Edinburgh - King's Cross. PIC |
s24 - | |
25 - | |
26 - | |
27 - | 1S16 08:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh. |
28 - | |
29 - | 1S67 17:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh. |
30 - | 1S21 11:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh. |
s31 - |
1 - | |
2 - | |
3 - | 1S33 13:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh. |
4 - | |
5 - | 1N08 09:00 King's Cross - Newcastle. PIC |
6 - | Haymarket TMD. 1E17 10:40 Aberdeen - King's Cross, "The Aberdonian" from Edinburgh. |
s7 - | 1S17 10:00 King's Cross - Aberdeen, to
P.Ref Haymarket TMD. |
8 - | |
9 - | |
10 - | |
11 - | |
12 - | |
13 - | |
s14 - | |
15 - | |
16 - | |
17 - | |
18 - | |
19 - | 1E35 20:20 Edinburgh - King's Cross. |
20 - | 1N08 09:00 King's Cross - Newcastle.
P.Ref 1E13 12:50 Edinburgh - King's Cross, from Newcastle. |
s21 - | |
22 - | |
23 - | |
24 - | 1S67 17:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh. |
25 - | |
26 - | 1E35 20:20 Edinburgh - King's Cross. |
27 - | 1S16 08:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh. |
s28 - | |
29 - | |
30 - |
1 - | |
2 - | |
3 - | |
4 - | 1S27 07:30 Plymouth - Edinburgh, from York to Newcastle. |
s5 - | |
6 - | |
7 - | |
8 - | Gateshead TMD. 0L01 Gateshead - York (towing 47408 & 47530). |
9 - | |
10 - | |
11 - | 1N29 19:00 King's Cross - Newcastle. |
s12 - | 1S35 14:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh. |
13 - | |
14 - | 1E17 10:30 Aberdeen - King's Cross, "The Aberdonian" from Edinburgh. |
15 - | |
16 - | |
17 - | 1N27 18:00 King's Cross - Newcastle, "The Newcastle Executive". |
18 - | |
s19 - | 1E25 12:20 Aberdeen - King's Cross, from Edinburgh. |
20 - | 1S67 17:00 King's Cross - Edinburgh. |
21 - | |
22 - | |
23 - | |
24 - | |
25 - | |
s26 - | |
27 - | |
28 - | 1E13 12:40 Edinburgh - King's Cross, from Newcastle. |
29 - | |
30 - | |
31 - |
(1975).....55008 (1977)