Armed with a footplate permit Nigel Petre snapped 55005 (D9005) "THE PRINCE OF WALES'S OWN REGIMENT OF YORKSHIRE" advancing on 55009 (D9009) "ALYCIDON" north of Newark on the 12th January 1980. 55009 was working the 1A08 08:05 York - King's Cross turn whilst 55005 was having great difficulty with the 1S12 05:50 King's Cross - Aberdeen, the pair should have passed between Doncaster and Selby but 1S12 was so heavily delayed that on this occasion it was terminated at York...
...55009's turn to be framed from a Deltic cab: following release from the stock of the 1A08 08:05 service from York 55009 prepares to travel the short distance to Finsbury Park. The locomotive is seen from the cab of 55014 (D9014) "THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON'S REGIMENT" as it waits to depart King's Cross with the 1L42 12:20 service for York. 55009 would later work back to York also, powering the 1L44 16:05 service.